Home Forums Course Discussions RaPID Model

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  • #1919
    Celina Palermo

    The rapid model focuses on the cycle of prompting, interpreting and deciding. It focuses on raveled critical discernments meaning the children un-ravel in order to separate key ideas and re-ravel in order to reintegrate. This process really allows the student to understand and develop skills. Prior to using RaPID, I was intimidated by math and had difficulty with it in general. I was able to observe the unraveling and re- unraveling after reviewing the sequencing slides. The model demonstrated the connection between highlighting 5’s within 10s. “10 divided into groups of 5 makes 2 groups of 5. There are two 5s in 10. I had to do it a few times to being to understand that process. But I will definitely keep practising it in order to truly understand this method.

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