E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning – Feedback on Throwing toward a target

Home Forums Course Feedback E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning – Feedback on Throwing toward a target

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  • #1890
    Dominique BODIN


    I don’t understand the feedback on this J.MARTON “Throwing toward a target” since it’s the group A which is said to throw with five different angles (Group A got twenty practice throws from each of five different angles. Group B got 100 practice throws from the same angle.) – and the feedback says the contrary (Group A repeated the same action one hundred times. Group B also did on hundred throws, but they had to make choices about how to adapt to five different angles.).

    Have a nice day,

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    Paulino Preciado

    Thanks for the feedback. Could you please include the unit and section where you found this? I tried to find it, but it is taking some time.

    We will revise the course every year and this feedback is highly valuable.

    Paulino Preciado

    I took note of this and we will address it next update of the course. Thank you.

    Dominique BODIN

    It’s in Unit 3 – E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning.
    Best regards,

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