3.1 E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning – Error in the correction

Home Forums Course Discussions 3.1 E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning – Error in the correction

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  • #2023
    Dominique BODIN


    In “3.1 E. Practice Doing vs. Practice Discerning”, the correction of the quiz “Which group practiced doing? Which group also practiced discerning?” seems to me in contradcition with the original text :

    “Group A repeated the same action one hundred times. Group B also did on hundred throws, but they had to make choices about how to adapt to five different angles.”

    ..while we’re told the opposite before the quiz.

    “Afterward, both groups were asked to throw toward a target from an angle that was new to both. Group B had greater success with the new angle.”
    Same thing here to me : it should be Group A or is it me ?

    Best regards,

    Martina Metz

    Yes! Good catch. This has been corrected but won’t show up until the next refresh of the course. Thank you, and sorry for any confusion.

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